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1 Design Wrap Ballpoint Pen


Shipping is included in the price.


Once bought, it will be shipped to me. Once I get a tracking number, you will get a sharable link/number within 24 hours during normal business days, Monday–Friday, so you know when it gets to me. Then, when it is mailed by me after signing it, you will get a second email with another tracking number.

The Stylo

0.03 ポンド
  • I am not made of money, and what money I do have will be spent on this when I can. You will get your order/s, but please be advised that until I get a solid stream of money income, you may be subject to needing to wait till the beginning of the month. I have no job other than my creative endeavors, and as of right now, they're not making me money, so I am subject to what I have a month, which means you are too. Depending on how many orders there are, month by month, the more delayed it could be.


    However, there is good news to this too. The items you buy from here will help me fund said creative endeavors as they are higher priced. Because it's handled directly by me and not a third party like Amazon or elsewhere. To this extent, once payment is confirmed and in the bank account, in theory I can immediately turn around and use the funds to purchase the item/s and have them sent directly to you or to me and then to you, whichever the case may be, depending on the product or bundle you get.


    It may be pricier here, but there is also no middleman doing it for me, which helps me fund my creative endeavors in the end.

著作権 © 2017 – 現在
100% でカスタム作成
著者: Curtis LL Herbold、The Detective Curtis Chronicles の著者、家族や友人からの支援と提案。

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